Monday, October 10, 2016

Four Steps to Achieve Wellness

B. Todd Bailey works with individuals to enhance their talents and increase their confidence. As a personal mentor, B. Todd Bailey advocates the wellness of his clients. Personal wellness can also be achieved through the following steps:

1. Detoxification - Clearing the body of all toxins from processed foods and other products is the first step toward wellness. Adopting a healthy lifestyle by making better choices can help the mind and body function optimally.

2. Mindfulness - There are several ways to increase self-awareness. One is by listing desired outcomes or identifying motivations. A state of mindfulness gives people the push they need to achieve wellness goals.

3. Social connections - Humans are naturally social beings. Strong relationships with family, friends, and peers give individuals the emotional support needed to cope with stress or other issues.

4. Education - Knowledge enables people to make informed decisions. Education is critical to improving a person’s social, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

Todd also coaches home-based entrepreneurs with their Zennoa business ( Zennoa is an emerging health and wellness company. "Zen" means balance. "Noa" is polynesian word meaning freedom. Todd teaches how to fire your boss and establish a business that affords freedom and balance not found in corporate America.

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